The Dangers Of Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is incredibly dangerous. It can often lead to accidents and cases of road rage. Road rage constitutes angry or aggressive behavior displayed by the driver of a vehicle. This can include driving in an unsafe manner, driving in a threatening manner, rude gestures, or even verbal insults. Road rage is particularly unsafe not just because of the car accidents it causes, but because it can lead to assaults. Extreme road rage can often lead to aggressive driving. Road rage and reckless driving and other criminal traffic offenses are taken very seriously.

Many victims, again, do not realize that they have the authority to report such offenses, nor do they take the time to do so and instead, allow the perpetrator to continue road rage cases in the future. Road rage and reckless driving laws include recklessly operating a motor vehicle which can include DUI charges as well as speeding. Things which can cause dangerous actions and which involve the willful disregard of the safety of others are considered road rage and reckless driving offenses. Road rage and reckless driving offenses are considered misdemeanor crimes. This means that the prosecution must prove beyond any doubt that you were involved and willfully disregarded the safety of others.

By not reporting the many cases of road rage, road rage is becoming worse and is still being left unchecked particularly in terms of things such as speeding. Speeding on its own does not generally amount to road rage and reckless driving but if road rage is not reported, as it should be, then those who speed aggressively can cause a safety issue for other drivers when they become angry. Speeding is often combined with other criminal traffic offenses to warrant a charge of road rage and reckless driving. If you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol and you knowing got behind the wheel while intoxicated, then you can be charged with road rage and reckless driving. The offense for road rage and reckless driving and the offense for a DUI are different charges. Road rage and reckless driving will be the lesser offense included in a case for the DUI.

If road rage occurs while intoxicated, the penalties can be very severe. Road rage and reckless driving charges involve the nature of how the vehicle was operated. If you are found to have been knowingly impaired at the time of operation then that can be considered road rage and reckless driving. If you run several stop signs and red lights while speeding in an area full of pedestrians and other cars, that traffic offense can be doubled as road rage and reckless driving. Intent is not an element of road rage and reckless driving. You do not have to intend to drive in a reckless manner, but the prosecution is required to prove that you were aware of the risk involved in your driving and disregarded it consciously. If you disregard the safety of other people and property this can be a major element in a road rage and reckless driving charge.

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